
It’s your birthday today and I dreamt of you last night, Ironic right? You had the life I’ve always thought I wanted. Leaving me in a wake of destruction, I remember you then, Asking if I’d lay with you in your bed, No one had to know. Your in my mind now, Forged in steel,…


I’m enraged, Trying to keep it contained. Most of my abusers are three times my age. Your jealousy ensued, Is it because I’m not with you? Continuously trying to pursue something that never belonged to you. Disgusted by your intent to keep me under threat. How many others knew? Keeping your secrets. Wishing I was…


I’m sick today. It’s my nine year anniversary and we’re fighting over you. Wouldn’t it be shocking to know how much I detest the sound of your name? I can’t escape it no matter how hard I try, You’re always there. Head pounding in despair, Throwing up my hands. I could have been everything you…


Deleting messages that are all untrue, you never cared, just wanted to be spared. Trying to forget all you put me through, Eyes lost, soul following like a shadow. How do you sleep at night, Holding your pillow tight, Afraid they’ll come after you with all their might. There will always be another victim, I’m…


Villianizing an adolescent, Using my love as a suppressant. Stroking your ego, I had no where to go. Lost in a place of transition, Making me your mission, Began taking medication to block the manipulation. In denial of the monsters before me, Evil immersing itself, turning me into someone else. Reminding me of who I…


My scarf wrapped around my neck, inches from my face … The temptation I could taste as we embraced. What a disgrace, Looking with big brown eyes, I longed for you. Talking of our future as if it could be true. At Thirteen no one knew, Once a teacher now a principle, someone preaching to…


I threw away all the photos of you, Deleted them all too. Still seeing you in my dreams will forever bring me to my knees. What you did had my heart bursting at the seams, Constantly blaming me for your extremes. I was in love with you, You could see it in my smile as…


Going through my drawers I found an old card from you, Making up for the dirty thoughts we both once knew. Your arms around my neck, Your toy that you employed, Keeping me fed with a roof over my head. Stealing pieces of my soul, Burning hidden scars underneath my skin. Unable to breath, From…


One day I’ll wake and they’ll be no more pain. Through this I’ll gain strength from what seems like my death, on edge, holding my breath. Am I partly responsible for this? Only a child with everything to loose, How did I get this bruise. Awakening at 3:33, in so much pain I can hardly…


That photo I can’t ignore, you made me feel like a whore. Your hand on my behind, Marriage on the line. Watching me walk down the isle, Throw another one on the pile. The skinnier I became, your lines no longer remained. Your hands on my skin caused disdain. My soul shamed. No longer in…