
It’s your birthday today and I dreamt of you last night, Ironic right? You had the life I’ve always thought I wanted. Leaving me in a wake of destruction, I remember you then, Asking if I’d lay with you in your bed, No one had to know. Your in my mind now, Forged in steel,…


I’m enraged, Trying to keep it contained. Most of my abusers are three times my age. Your jealousy ensued, Is it because I’m not with you? Continuously trying to pursue something that never belonged to you. Disgusted by your intent to keep me under threat. How many others knew? Keeping your secrets. Wishing I was…


Singing the blues, Wreaking havoc on yesterday’s news. Pushing through trials and tribulations, living to no longer feel the sensations of the generations before them. Ignoring the obvious, still paying the sins of our father, why should we even bother? genetic shame, No one is to blame. Coming to terms with what’s laid before us,…


I want to hunt you down and lock you away, Forever you’ll stay, One by one I’ll keep them safe. A monster in disguise lurking in their path, unbeknownst to them, he makes them laugh. Stories of the past stay hidden. No one knows the destruction he causes, playing one against the other, Dreaming of…


Not understanding my magic, This vision turns tragic. Breathing you in, letting you out, From the top of my lungs I shout. No longer dwelling on moments lost, Building vulnerability with others who choose to share their shine. Thank you for showing me the way of the wild, I grab on to it now like…


Villianizing an adolescent, Using my love as a suppressant. Stroking your ego, I had no where to go. Lost in a place of transition, Making me your mission, Began taking medication to block the manipulation. In denial of the monsters before me, Evil immersing itself, turning me into someone else. Reminding me of who I…


My scarf wrapped around my neck, inches from my face … The temptation I could taste as we embraced. What a disgrace, Looking with big brown eyes, I longed for you. Talking of our future as if it could be true. At Thirteen no one knew, Once a teacher now a principle, someone preaching to…


I threw away all the photos of you, Deleted them all too. Still seeing you in my dreams will forever bring me to my knees. What you did had my heart bursting at the seams, Constantly blaming me for your extremes. I was in love with you, You could see it in my smile as…


Going through my drawers I found an old card from you, Making up for the dirty thoughts we both once knew. Your arms around my neck, Your toy that you employed, Keeping me fed with a roof over my head. Stealing pieces of my soul, Burning hidden scars underneath my skin. Unable to breath, From…


I can’t wait for you to die. This may come as a surprise for a girl with her head in the sky. The never ending nightmares I could do without. I’d love one where I send you to your grave. Make you finally behave. Lies you hide behind, these memories on rewind. Out of my…