
I never know where to start Losing my brother to an OD, My father smashed into a wall, But that wasn’t all. A grandfather who molested me, along with his nephew I protested. The cousin who committed suicide and died too soon. He was always the happiest person in the room. My mother had a…


It’s your birthday today and I dreamt of you last night, Ironic right? You had the life I’ve always thought I wanted. Leaving me in a wake of destruction, I remember you then, Asking if I’d lay with you in your bed, No one had to know. Your in my mind now, Forged in steel,…


Infecting every fiber of my being, Your words overshadow the reality of what I’m seeing. Taking control, Fleeing from my truth. Have I been wrong all along? Thinking I’ve forged the way for those who’ve come after, He’s still a monster in disguise, Hiding behind enemy lines. Lurking, where the law provides him with protection….


I’m enraged, Trying to keep it contained. Most of my abusers are three times my age. Your jealousy ensued, Is it because I’m not with you? Continuously trying to pursue something that never belonged to you. Disgusted by your intent to keep me under threat. How many others knew? Keeping your secrets. Wishing I was…


Shadows of broken dreams Leaves me busting at the seams, Wondering what’s left of me. Full moon peeking through curtains exposing secrets from the past. These memories always seem to last, Putting my self-growth on blast. Continuing to fill me with hope, These feelings invoke unwanted memories enveloping the cracks of my soul. Collapsing down…


In these moments of silence I Wonder if you’d rather there be another. Someone who seems to uncover the unfortunate reasons I suffer. It’s difficult sitting near you, My heart begins to ponder how you could surround yourself with such dishonor. Their well-being more important than mine. You’d drop my name for a dime as…


Hoping no one asks, It’s a complicated circumstance. Clinging to my success, taking credit for all I once built. Looking back at the wasted energy I never thought you’d become the enemy. The darkness takes hold, Refusing to be put into a mold, Wishing to find solace in this mess. One I must confess I…


I’m sick today. It’s my nine year anniversary and we’re fighting over you. Wouldn’t it be shocking to know how much I detest the sound of your name? I can’t escape it no matter how hard I try, You’re always there. Head pounding in despair, Throwing up my hands. I could have been everything you…


You don’t get to keep me. After the Internal bruising, Scars never-ending. coming back begging. corpse resuscitated at the hands of another, You said you were my brother. Fighting a battle on my own, Lost in the unknown. Choosing to overcompensate, insecurities begin to show. Providing financial gain, Causing disdain. Walking away at the end…


I woke up and didn’t think about you today. Maybe everything Will be okay after all. Picking myself up after the fall, Finding hope, finding new ways to cope. Becoming stronger with each passing moment, regardless of the pain or your atonement. No longer able to write or run but I can still enjoy my…