
On this day five years ago I was with you. It’s hard to believe but it’s true. Taking all I have building it back up and walking away. No longer begging to be seen, I have all I need. Do you not think this is real? You’ll never know how I feel, Maybe I’ll see…


Came upon a path, covered in green Left unseen. Just a few weeks prior it was a clearing, now cloaked with a blanket for the upcoming summer. I’ll visit again in the fall When the leaves die off and the once abundance turns to death Sweet reminders of friendships that once were, whirling through my…


You have taken all I have, Even all I do not yet possess. These memories constantly put me to the test, Presenting themselves in my dreaming hour. Giving away my ultimate power, To the man in the high tower. Hiding parts of who you are, It’s time to raise the bar. This love turns to…


I wanted to ruin you, Never having anything to show Friend of my foe. You never know what your motives are, Losing my trust in you, Burying in this water so clear, Changing tides, you switched sides. Selfishly giving up what was fought for, I loved you more than my brother. Would have sworn there…


Disgusted you couldn’t be trusted. No wonder you couldn’t look me in the eyes. You’re just another wolf in disguise, With tears in my eyes I had to decide. This wasn’t about my pride. Seeing these kids should make you want to be a role model, Not a figure you want to fondle. These thoughts…


Alone, I stand, your presence now afar, My greatest dread realized under stars, To part from you, the path I tread, In search of dreams, my heart widespread. Intentions pure, I sought to share, But found myself consumed by despair. Chose you did, a different way, Paths diverged, emotions held at bay. Agreement eluded, hearts…


The truth? No one wants to hear the truth. I could tell you tomorrow the cure for cancer, if it meant no longer eating the foods you wanted, you’d tell me to go fuck myself. People are choosing surgery and life-threatening medication instead of restructuring their lives and eating habits. The truth? It’s too inconvenient….


It’s your birthday today and I dreamt of you last night, Ironic right? You had the life I’ve always thought I wanted. Leaving me in a wake of destruction, I remember you then, Asking if I’d lay with you in your bed, No one had to know. Your in my mind now, Forged in steel,…


You never tell me what’s wrong, Singing the same old song. Acting as if you don’t belong, Wondering if this will be lifelong. Dragging the innocent along, Pushing through headstrong, Hiding who you were all along. Clinging to a false reality, One of lies and immorality, Finding claims that defy gravity. Proclaiming I’m to blame,…


You speak of women in history, their struggle for power, But only if it suits your sour agenda. One for the show, Leaving your own out on the street in her hour of defeat. Beliefs being put to the test, Unable to rest. Needing soldiers by my side, instead, you all ran to hide. Not…